When it comes to marketing, many small businesses fall into the trap of trying to be all things to all people. Every business owner wants their business to be visible and accessible to as many people as possible. But when it comes to creating marketing content, many marketers become so focused on trying to appeal to everyone that they end up appealing to no one. Marketing content should always be created with your target audience in mind, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore your company’s unique selling points (USPs). The USPs make your business stand out from the crowd and should be present in every marketing campaign you create. A USP is a unique feature that sets your product or service apart from competitors. It’s what makes your business unique and memorable. A great USP can help you break through the noise of the digital marketing world and reach new customers. Here are some examples of USPs from some of the most successful companies out there -

Netflix - Instant Watch

Netflix is one of the most recognizable brands in the world thanks to their ability to disrupt the traditional television industry. Their USP is their ability to provide a service that gives viewers instant access to all the most popular TV shows and movies. With Netflix, users can choose what they want to watch from a selection of over 30,000 titles. By disrupting the traditional television industry, Netflix has created a service that appeals to millennials who are more accustomed to watching content on their smartphones than in the living room. Another unique feature of Netflix is that they provide a service that’s available on almost every device and operating system. This allows Netflix to reach users no matter what device they’re using to access the service.

Airbnb - Access to Local Culture and Knowledge

Airbnb is a website that allows travellers to list their homes for rent and make some extra cash by renting out their own space. Airbnb provides a service that allows travellers to access local culture and knowledge by staying in the homes of locals. This is one of Airbnb’s unique selling points. Airbnb’s ability to give travellers access to local culture and knowledge is what allows them to stand out from the crowd of other travel sites. Airbnb’s services allow travellers to experience the local flavour of each different city or country they visit. This gives travellers a unique and memorable experience. By providing travellers with access to local culture and knowledge, Airbnb is able to appeal to those who want to travel but also want to experience local life as much as possible.

Tesla - Driving Innovation

Tesla is a company that’s all about innovation. Their goal is to disrupt the automotive industry by creating electric vehicles that are not only better for the environment, but also safer and easier to use than traditional gas-powered vehicles. One of Tesla’s main USPs is their ability to drive innovation in the automotive industry. This is what allows them to stand out from the crowd of traditional car manufacturers. While other car companies are busy creating cars that look the same and can’t go any faster, Tesla is busy creating cars that look different and can go much faster. By driving innovation in the automotive industry, Tesla is able to appeal to consumers who are looking for something new and exciting.

Ted-ed - Empowering People

Ted (Technology, Education, and Design) Ed is a website that provides useful and inspiring content for millennials. The site is full of articles, videos, and podcasts that are designed to inspire and empower young people to reach their full potential. The website aims to help young people achieve their goals and make their dreams a reality. One of the unique selling points of Ted Ed is their ability to provide useful and inspiring content for millennials. Millennials are a very different generation than the generations that came before them. They are less interested in tradition, more focused on self-improvement, and are often attracted to new and innovative ways of living. Ted Ed is one of the few websites that aims to provide useful and inspiring content for millennials.


Marketing content is a great way to reach your target audience and promote your business. But before you start creating content, it’s important to understand what your USP is so that you can make sure it’s present in every piece of content you create. A lack of focus on your unique selling points can leave your marketing campaigns feeling haphazard and unfocused. By creating marketing content with your USP in mind, you can make sure your content stands out and appeals to your target audience.